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Training and Classes Offered

Basic Obedience:

Basic Obedience Classes are most generally offered on a Monday or Tuesday evening from 6-7 pm. It is a 6 week course meeting once a week. We go over the basics such as sit, down, come, heel, leave it, impulse control, wait, off etc. This class is $90 total for the course. There are generally anywhere from 4-6 people in a class.


Advanced Classes:
Already passed a basic class? We offer Agility and Advanced Obedience classes with times varying according to trainees and their schedules. Prices vary based on class.


Private Lessons:
Private lessons are offered for those who would like a little more one on one attention, for those who may have an aggressive dog that can't handle a group class, or for those that have a dog they want to work on a specific problem with.  These lessons can be done here at K-9 Corral or at the home of the client. We focus on the specific issues the handler is trying to solve. Private lessons start at $100 for an hour lesson. They can cost more depending on travel distance to the home.

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